
临床试验 & 研究

病人 with brain tumors may be eligible for clinical trials, which are new or novel therapies. All patients in the 脑肿瘤项目 are automatically assessed for their suitability for clinical trials.

研究 is important for learning more about brain tumors and their treatments. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 has a unique brain tumor research lab to facilitate a bench to bedside pipeline to support clinical experts treating tumors.

Other highlights include:

  • Access to novel and experimental Phase I, 二期, and 二期I chemotherapy protocols through in-house studies, the Buffalo-Rochester Syracuse Neurooncology 研究 Group, and the Pediatric Oncology Group.
  • Active collaborative bench research involving members of the Departments of Neurosurgery, 医学肿瘤学, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, 放射肿瘤学, 神经学, 和神经病理学. Scientists study tumor tissue and cell lines derived from clinical specimens from patients.
  • Current studies include mapping double minute chromosomes in gliomas, the role epidural growth factor receptor in glioma and modulation of amplification of the gene for the receptor as a target for therapy; the use of epidural growth factor receptor amplification as a prognostic factor for chemotherapy response, the use of amifostine as a radioprotectant in childhood brain tumors, and the role of interferon-inducible genes in glioma.
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