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Frequently Asked Questions

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Who can make a donation?

Anyone over age 18 is eligible to become a donor. Read this brochure, understand its contents and have all questions fully answered. Fill in and sign the Anatomical Gift Pledge form and return it to the program.


我们将接受任何年满18岁的个人的捐赠. There is no upper age limit.

May I donate even if I have had an organ removed by surgery?



一个人可以捐献他或她的眼睛和/或大脑,但仍然可以开始捐献整个身体 the program. 然而,其他内脏器官的切除用于移植,如 因为肾脏、心脏和肺部需要大量的手术,这意味着身体不会 acceptable for whole body donation.


解剖捐赠计划保留不接受潜在捐赠的权利,如果, 在该计划的专业判断中,这种捐赠不适合实现该计划的目的和目标.

潜在捐赠不适合用于健康教育的条件包括, but are not limited to, an individual who:

  • Exceeds accepted weight to height ratio
  • 是否有MS, ALS和/或类似的情况会影响组织和肌肉的研究
  • Is a carrier of contagious organisms, including but not limited to HIV, viral hepatitis or tuberculosis
  • 没有在规定的死亡后48小时内送到解剖捐赠计划
  • 是否有对项目工作人员和/或健康专业学生有健康风险的疾病
  • Is under 18 years of age

我以为保存尸体的方法,杀死了所有的微生物. Why, then, 该项目是否不接受携带或携带传染性生物的人的捐赠?

引起艾滋病、肝炎、 结核病和其他疾病对任何接触者都构成严重的安全隐患 them. 目前还缺乏充分的证据来证明所采用的保存方法 bodies will inactivate (kill) these organisms. To reduce the risk of contact or exposure to any 感染时,本项目将不接受任何接触传染性疾病者的捐赠. 如果承诺者或潜在捐赠者感染了任何传染病,请通知解剖捐赠计划,以便将承诺者从计划文件中删除.

What if I change my mind?

A pledge may be withdrawn at anytime. 如果您希望将您的承诺从计划文件中删除,请与计划联系.

Should I inform my relatives about my wish?

As a registered donor to the Anatomical Gift Program, you should inform your family about your decision to donate your body; in particular your next of kin. 让你的亲戚、密友、牧师、律师等知道你的决定.

What if my family does not agree with my wish to donate?

如果你预计或期望你的近亲不同意你的愿望, 请致电项目办公室(315-464-4348)了解如何指定代理来实现您的愿望.


Health professionals from first year medical students, 北州医科大学的物理治疗和医师助理住院医生和教师从积极参与的机会中受益匪浅, hands-on learning about the intricacies of the human body.


捐赠可以提供给纽约州的高等教育机构使用,其中大体解剖学是教育卫生专业人员的认可计划的一个组成部分, 前提是该机构作为全身使用者获得纽约州卫生部的许可.

May I designate a particular purpose for the use of my body?

你可以在捐献人表格上注明你的偏好,但是所有的捐献人只被接受为 unrestricted anatomical gift as medical advancements and educational needs vary.


负责安排捐赠死者遗体的人 应立即联系解剖捐赠计划(315-464-4348)以确定是否 the donation can be accepted. The program requires that the donation be delivered to the university within 48 hours after death. As required by law, only a licensed funeral home can arrange the transportation of a deceased person.

Will the donation be affected if an autopsy is performed?

尸体:已被解剖的尸体或接受法医解剖要求的尸体 generally cannot be accepted for donation.

What about a viewing or funeral services?

To accomplish the objectives of the program, it is imperative that the donation be delivered to the program within 48 hours after death. The program cannot accept a donor that has been previously embalmed.


If the distance makes transporting the body impractical, a representative of the Anatomical Gift Program will provide a list of medical schools that may accept the donation geographically closer to the place of death.

What happens to my remains?

Upon completion of studies, at the expense of the Anatomical Gift Program, the remains will be 在纽约州许可的火葬场火化,如果要求,将火化后的遗体 be returned to the next of kin or designated recipient.

Will all my remains be returned?

也许有一个场合,当捐赠提供了一个独特的教育机会 health care professionals. 在这种情况下,纽约州立大学上州分校的解剖捐赠项目 医科大学保留保留捐赠的最小部分存档的权利 purposes. 这些标本的存档将只在上州医疗中心进行和保存 University and no other institution.

When will the cremains be returned?

The time varies with each donation. The maximum time is two years. Many donations are kept for a shorter period of time. 火化时,信件会寄给指定的收件人 remains are available. 火化后的遗体可以通过挂号邮寄,需要一个 申请人可签署或安排亲自领回火化后的遗体. If there 指定收件人更改地址时,是否须向 program. 如收信人已更改,收信人的姓名及地址应更改 provided to the Anatomical Gift Program.


No. 只有有执照的病理学家才有资格提供有关病因和 findings of death.
